A major fruit company is selling not-yet-ripe green bananas at Japan supermarkets, claiming the fruit is very suitable for use in curries and miso soup. Green bananas differ from yellow ones in taste and the way they are eaten. They are not as sweet or aromatic as yellow bananas, and have a texture similar to that of potatoes. Over time, they gradually ripen and become sweeter, becoming edible as-is.
Dole produces 500,000 tons of bananas annually in the Philippines, a major producer. Of this, 20,000 tons of "off-spec product" green bananas are disposed of in local landfills. To solve this issue, the company launched the "Mottainai Banana" project in 2021, aiming for zero waste by 2025. It has been working with other businesses to utilize these bananas in processed foods such as juice and puree, but its goal has not yet been achieved. Looking to expand consumption further, Dole decided to sell green bananas in Japan, noting they are eaten like vegetables in the regions where they are grown.
Source: mainichi.jp