Morocco has been increasing its overall exports of vegetables, and EastFruit suggests paying attention to the rapid growth in Moroccan exports of Brussels sprouts to the UK. Moroccan exporters have managed to develop exports in just a few years from scratch.
As can be seen from the graph, a few years ago Brussels sprouts from Morocco were not supplied to the UK market at all. Moroccan producers managed to establish exports in 2019, but shipments were minimal, as well as a year later. The situation changed radically after “Brexit”, when Britain needed alternative import channels. Morocco sharply increased exports of many vegetables, fruits, and berries to the British market, including a rise in exports of Brussels sprouts.
Since then, imports of Moroccan vegetables into the country have been growing and volumes of supplies have demonstrated a new record every year. Thus, in just three years, the amount of Brussels sprouts brought to Britain from Morocco increased by 10 times. The volume of supplies in 2023 reached 1,600 thousand tons, which brought Morocco $2.2 mln of export revenue. Note that for 2023, data from January to July are taken into account, and since Moroccan Brussels sprouts are exported during this period, respectively, in the current year, the export season is over.
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