In Austria, potatoes were planted on about 20,400 hectares this year. This means a loss of 15 percent of the cultivated area over the last three years. In terms of yield, there was also a loss of 10 to 15 per cent. This makes imports necessary. The starch content is satisfactory, at 20 per cent. Despite the difficult market environment in potato propagation, the Niederösterreichische Saatbaugenossenschaft (Lower Austrian Seed Growers' Cooperative, NÖS) also presented some new varieties this year.
NÖS head Michael Buxbaum at Potato Europe 2022
"Nöstling", for example, is very high-yielding, tasty and suitable for extreme locations. "Meichip" is a high-yielding variety for crisps production. It has the potential to replace "Hermes" as the leading variety in this field. Likewise, the new variety NÖS 5922 could become the new "Ditta". At the traditional IGE Erdäpfel-Fachtag in Stockerau, Golden Erdäpfel were awarded again this year, with NÖS being very successful. In the "firm cooking" segment, the variety "Graziosa" won, followed by "Valdivia" in second and third place. In the "predominantly firm-cooking-floury" segment, the variety "Bosco" achieved first and second place, followed by "Belmonda".
For more inform
Michael Buxbaum
Meires 25
3841 Windigsteig
+43 2842 52402
[email protected] ation: