Pacific Trellis Fruit, LLC dba Dulcinea is initiating a voluntary recall of 4,872 cases of Malichita brand whole cantaloupe. The voluntary recall is due to the FDAs ongoing investigation of an outbreak involving Malichita brand cantaloupe. The cantaloupes are potentially contaminated with Salmonella.
The products were distributed between October 18th - 26th in California, Illinois, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wisconsin, and sold in various retail supermarkets. The whole cantaloupe is packed in corrugated cartons, the price look-up sticker is labeled “Malichita”.
Case count doubles, recalls expand in Salmonella outbreak linked to cantaloupes and pre-cut fruit
Since the last update on November 17, 2023, an additional 56 people infected with this outbreak strain of Salmonella have been reported from an additional 17 states, creating a total case count of 99 people in 32 states.
An additional 28 people have been hospitalized, totaling 45 hospitalizations overall. Minnesota has now reported two deaths.
Additional brands of whole and pre-cut cantaloupes and fruit have been recalled:
- Rudy brand whole cantaloupes
- Freshness Guaranteed brand and RaceTrac brand pre-cut cantaloupes
Investigators are working to identify any additional cantaloupe products that may be contaminated. As previously reported, Canada is also investigating this outbreak and has linked illness in Canada with the same Salmonella strain to cantaloupes.
For more information:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Tel.: +1 (404) 639-3286