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Grape Commission names director of content development

Increasing its commitment to expand the reach of its global marketing campaign, the California Table Grape Commission named Nick Nakashian as director of content development.

Nakashian is the association's new director of content development.

Nakashian joined the commission in October 2019 and in July 2022, was promoted to assistant director of marketing, content development and analysis. In his new role, he will direct the development of content for a global target audience, focusing on messages to increase awareness and motivate the purchase of California table grapes.

“A growing global campaign requires high-quality, motivating content to reach multiple audiences,” said Kathleen Nave, commission president. “Nick will guide the development and delivery of just that kind of content. We are lucky to have Nick on the table grape team. He cares deeply about making a difference to table grape growers through the work the commission does on their behalf.”

For more information:
Ian LeMay
California Table Grape Commission
Tel: +1 (559) 447-8350

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