Strawberries are very popular during Valentine’s Day, but this year’s supply is yet to be determined for California strawberries. Heavy rains due to atmospheric rivers are pounding California growing regions, causing some significant flooding and wind damage. Between now and February 14th, more rains are expected to bring cooler weather right before the holiday pull. It is expected to affect harvest and crop maturity.
Florida will also contribute with sizeable amounts of fruit just in time for the big day. Central Mexico is currently peaking with strawberries and Baja Mexico will be coming in with good supplies in the next couple of weeks. Looking ahead after Valentine’s Day, shippers will need to get creative and start making deals to get leftover supplies moving again.
Movement of avocado from Mexico crossings through Texas is expected to remain about the same. Trading early moderate, late 48s active, others fairly active. Prices 40-48s higher, others generally unchanged. Cartons 2-layer Hass 32s mostly 43.25-44.25, 36s mostly 38.25-40.25, 40-48s mostly 36.25-37.25, 60s mostly 31.25-32.25, 70s mostly 22.25-24.25 and 84s mostly 18.25. Extra services included.
Movement of blueberries from Mexico crossings through Arizona, California and Texas is expected to increase. Trading fairly slow, late slow. Prices generally unchanged. Flats 12 1-pint cups with lids mostly 24.00-26.00. Flats 12 6-ounce cups with lids mostly 14.00-16.00. Quality variable. Movement of blueberries from Chile imports through Miami, Philadelphia, and New York ports of entry is expected to increase. Trading moderate. Prices lower. Flats 12 1-pint cups with lids medium-large 22.00-26.00, 6-ounce medium-large 16.00-18.00. Movement of blueberries from Peru imports through Miami, Philadelphia and New York ports of entry mostly via boat is expected to decrease seasonally. Trading moderate. Prices lower. Flats 12 1-pint cups with lids large 22.00-26.00, 6-ounce large mostly 12.00-15.00. Quality generally good.
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