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Charles Mwirumbi - Charic Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Exporters

Ugandan exporter sees big interest at Macfrut

Charic Fresh Fruit & Vegetables has been exporting fresh produce from Uganda for many years and has a wide range of products.

"We have the Jumbo avocado, which is native to East Africa and much bigger in size than the Hass or Fuerte varieties. We export all these varieties from Uganda as well as pineapples, passion fruit and the apple banana which is very small and sweet, also Cavendish bananas and ginger, pumpkins and beans, sweet potatoes, sugar cane, chilies and red and green peppers" explains Charles Mwirumubi from Charic Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Exporters (U) Ltd.

"The main export destinations for our produce are the Middle East and South Africa, we are also intending to export to Europe, we are finalising on working on some licences for that too. I am seeing a big interest in my products here at Macfrut.

"The avocado season in Uganda runs from June to September, there are many people who export Ugandan avocados, for example the Kenyans come and pick them for export. They are also exported to the Middle East.

"We do not grow avocados and other produce but instead we support small growers, by supplying them with inputs, advocacy and training so they can produce good crops, which we export. We strive to have the best produce available, while supporting the local community and helping to promote sustainable and responsible farming practices.

For more information:
Charles Mwirumbi
Charic Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Exporters
[email protected]