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Many players guarantee blueberry availability in the U.S.

Blueberry cultivation is widespread across the U.S., with commercial production present in 26 states. The majority of this production, over 98%, is concentrated in ten states: Oregon, Washington, Georgia, Michigan, California, New Jersey, North Carolina, Florida, Texas, and Minnesota. In Canada, British Columbia emerges as the leading region for blueberry production.

The global market sees a significant contribution from imports, which constitute about 70% of the annual blueberry supply in the U.S. Peru leads as the top exporter, followed by Chile, Mexico, and Argentina. These countries are instrumental in ensuring the availability of fresh blueberries in the U.S. market, particularly during the winter months.

The Port of Philadelphia plays a pivotal role, handling 37% of the imported volume, with Mexico contributing to another 30%. The domestic production cycle exhibits a seasonal rhythm, with Georgia initiating the harvest in April and May. California, accounting for 6% of the national output, and the Pacific Northwest, with a 7% share, follow suit. Notably, Hammonton, NJ, celebrates its peak season in June, shipping 15.3 million pounds of blueberries last year.


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