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The Netherlands led the demand for Peruvian bananas in April

In April 2024, Peruvian exported 14,707 tons of bananas for $11.4 million, recording a 12.3% and 12.2% increase in volume and value. The Netherlands led demand with a 37.8% share, importing 5,526 tons for $4.3 million, paying US$0.78 per kilogram.

The United States was the second largest importer of Peruvian bananas with a 14.6% share, receiving 2,352 tons worth $1.7 million and paying $0.71 per kilogram. Italy ranked third with a 9.7% share, 1,498 tons, $1.1 million, and paying $0.74 per kilogram. Panama ranked fourth with an 8.5% share, 1,405 tons, $1.0 million, and an average price of $0.69 per kilogram. South Korea ranked fifth with a 7.4% share, 967 tons worth $800,000 and the highest price per kilogram: $0.87.

Source: Fresh Fruit /

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