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Turkmenistan to cultivate Antep pistachio orchards using wild tree grafting

Turkmenistan plans to cultivate Antep pistachio orchards through the technique of grafting wild trees. This initiative was announced by Ahmet Şahan, the Director of the Gaziantep Pistachio Research Institute.

Referans Gazetesi says that this cooperation was formalized when a Turkmen delegation visited Gaziantep, Turkey. The delegation's visit was aimed at exploring collaborative opportunities and learning from Turkey's extensive experience in pistachio cultivation.

During their visit, the Turkmen delegation was briefed on the global pistachio industry. They also toured several pistachio orchards, where they observed the cultivation practices and inspected various product samples.

The partnership with the Gaziantep Pistachio Research Institute is expected to provide Turkmenistan with the knowledge and technical support to successfully implement this project.


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