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Hortifrut to have a new CEO starting July

Starting July 1, 2024, and following an extensive international search process, Mr. Héctor Enrique Luján Valladolid will be appointed by Hortifrut as Chief Executive Officer. He will lead Hortifrut's operations worldwide. Mr. Luján, of Mexican nationality, will initially be based in the United States.

The current CEO, Juan Ignacio Allende, will start a new chapter as director at the company Naturipe, based in North America and linked to the Hortifrut group. Allende, a big name in the global berry sector, has built up a great legacy after a successful career defined by his ability to build alliances and high-performance teams and the development of commercial relationships, which have allowed Hortifrut to continue growing globally.

Juan Ignacio Allende said: "It has been a true honor to lead the growth and expansion of Hortifrut over all these years, and I know I leave the company's management in the best of hands. I especially want to thank the board and the entire team of the great Hortifrut family."

Héctor Luján is a distinguished Mexican professional who has been working for 28 years in the agricultural industry, and 22 years specifically in the berry sector. He has experience in directing and managing global operations, leading multidisciplinary teams and talent development. He has demonstrated an exceptional ability to adapt and excel in diverse environments. Known for his great human qualities, he has played a fundamental role in boosting the industry's growth in North America, Europe and Asia.

Héctor Lujan said: "I wish to thank the board for trusting me to lead this great organization. I fully identify with its entrepreneurial spirit and its drive to innovate, promoting associativity and strengthening our commitment to people and the environment. Together, we will work tirelessly to achieve our goals and lead the company towards a prosperous and sustainable future."

Nicolás Moller, chairman of the board at Hortifrut, said: "On behalf of the board, I thank Juan Ignacio for his outstanding management as CEO in recent years. His vision and passion for berries have greatly contributed to solidifying the company's position as the world's number one in blueberries and leader in the berry category, with sales exceeding 1 billion dollars. I want to give Héctor the warmest welcome. We are confident that his leadership, human quality and deep knowledge about the industry will be key to driving Hortifrut to new levels of growth while delivering the best berries to the whole world each day."

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