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Protecting organic strawberry standards throughout supply chain

Seven Seas is a year-round organic strawberry shipper, and next month's Organic Produce Summit, held July 10-11 in Monterey, California gives the company a platform to discuss its organic berry offerings with current and potential customers.

Participating in an event solely dedicated to organically grown produce provides the opportunity to interact with the organic industry and gain valuable insights from the educational sessions. At OPS, company members can talk one-on-one with customers and emphasize its commitment to organic consumers.

Seven Seas is organically certified as a handler.

The company takes care to produce fresh, tasty, organic strawberries using the latest organic farming technologies. Seven Seas has staff across its supply chain to ensure it is upholding strict organic standards in all production regions and throughout the farming, cold storage, and transportation legs of distribution. Not only are its growers and facilities organically certified, but as of this year, Seven Seas is organically certified as a handler. Meanwhile, the company's sales staff prides itself on meeting its customers' needs, ensuring that high-quality organic strawberries make it to market.

Seven Seas can be found at booth #726 at the show.

For more information:
Seven Seas
Tel: +1 (314) 934-2800
[email protected]

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