The Egyptian fresh strawberry season is about to come to an end, making way for frozen strawberries. Amr Kadah, Export Manager at, gives a positive assessment of the season.
Kadah: "Despite a 6-7% increase in surface area, reaching more than 50,000 feddans (21,000 ha), production was down this season. We've had an unfavorable climate, characterized by high rainfall and temperatures."
The exporter continues: "The difficulties on the production front have been offset by commercial success. Demand was strong and prices were higher than last season. For the fourth year running, Egypt has maintained its position as the leading origin of strawberries, with a 20% share of the world market."
According to the exporter, the 2023-2024 season is marked by an extension of the harvesting period, due to the constant increase in acreage in various regions of the country.
He adds: "Fresh Egyptian strawberries have been sent all over the world, and in particular in large volumes to the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Russia and the United States."
Kadah concludes: "We're hoping for just as much success for the frozen strawberry campaign, which has just started. Nationally, I think the 300,000 tonne mark for frozen strawberries can be exceeded this season."
For more information:
Amr Kadah
Tel: +20 100 928 8377