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Week 24 Fruit Wholesale Market Report

Market demand declines after the festival; Washington cherries and South African blood oranges enter the market

Compared to the period before the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the fruit market and sales in the week following the festival have declined, with durian sales being the most notably affected. Conversely, American Washington cherries and South African blood oranges are just entering the market.

Washington cherries arrived before the Dragon Boat Festival. According to merchants, the initial launch price was about ¥800-¥900 per box, which was similar to previous years, but then the price fell rapidly, currently selling for about ¥550-¥600 per box (the price of 9Row cherries in 5 kg boxes is approximately ¥600 per box). This decline occurred within one week. Merchants indicated that while the quality of the arriving fruits is good, the large quantity arriving in a short period has led to fewer merchants purchasing cherries this year, accelerating the market decline. Some merchants noted that the Chelan variety is currently more popular.

Left: American Washington cherries; right: South African blood oranges.

South African blood oranges have arrived in small quantities. Merchants mentioned that the current price is not high because it is early in the season, and the flesh color is not bright enough. They believe that the price will improve as the oranges ripen.

Australian oranges.

The arrival volume of Australian oranges has increased slightly, and the price remains generally stable. According to merchants, this year's Australian oranges arrived in the market about 20 days earlier, and the current price is close to the early market prices in previous years. The quality of the arrivals is ideal, with gradually increasing Brix levels. Merchants reported that current sales are good, and if quality can be maintained as volume increases, sales will be relatively ideal. It is reported that the price of Australian oranges was high last year, but so far this year, the price is relatively reasonable.

South African grapefruits and other imported fruits.

The South African grapefruit market continues to decline, down about 15% from last week. Merchants mentioned that the overall grapefruit market in the past two years is not as good as before. Although the number of arrivals this week is not particularly large, the market is still declining. The Shanghai market has dropped prices faster, with Guangzhou following suit. Merchants believe that the current price has reached the bottom, and it is unlikely to fall sharply again. It is estimated that the price may improve in the middle and later stages. Currently, fruits of #50 specification are selling well.

Left: Vietnamese Monthong durians; Right: Thai Volcano durians.

The market for imported durian improved before the Dragon Boat Festival, but sales and prices fell this week after the festival. Currently, the market is dominated by Vietnamese Monthong durians and southern Thai durians. A6-grade Vietnamese Monthong is about ¥720-¥800 per box, while the price was mostly ¥800 per box last week. A6-grade Thai Volcano Durian is about ¥800-¥820 per box, while the price was mostly ¥850 per box last week. According to merchants, the current arrival volume of durians is not particularly large, and the quality is also good. The decline in the market is due to decreased market demand.

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