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Grape convention debates future of the industry

With significant growth in supply, with climatic and logistical challenges, Chile and Peru, two powers in grape production and export, have joined forces to address the reality facing the industry globally.

On August 8, 2024, the Global Grape Convention 2024 will be held at the Casino Monticello Events Center in Chile. The event will bring together representatives from both countries: Frutas de Chile (formerly ASOEX) through its Table Grape Committee, and the Association of Table Grape Producers of Peru (PROVID).

The Global Grape Convention 2024 takes place on August 8.

"We are at a defining moment for table grapes worldwide, where the decision must be made if we will invest together as a block, to stimulate demand and guarantee the growth and development of the sector in the coming years, or if we will let the market operate and the grapes will increasingly lower their value for consumers," said Ignacio Caballero, executive director of the Chilean Fruit Grape Committee.

"It is essential that all industry actors understand the importance of acting responsibly in the face of the challenges we face," says Manuel Enrique Yzaga Dibos, president of PROVID. "In this context, the convention offers an opportunity to foster a purposeful and productive dialogue."

The event will include talks, analyses of markets, and more.

Both countries will reveal key and updated information on the international market to attendees and bring together retailers and importers to promote, increase, and diversify consumption.

"We must be more involved in what is happening, understanding the trends and what markets and consumers require, as well as operations since this is a very dynamic endeavor," said Ricardo Koch, general manager of Exportadora Río Blanco. "This information is available to all of us in this industry through instances like these. We cannot waste them."

The event will include informative talks; specialized analyses of the various markets and consumers, including North America, England, and China; envisioning new marketing and communications strategies; opportunities in logistics; and discussion panels where the experts and key actors share past, current, and future scenarios of grape production and marketing in the world.

For more information
Global Grape Convention
[email protected]

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