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Fresh Food Leader offers a series of free webinars -

The ABC of fruit and vegetable marketing

Fresh Food Leader, organiser of the face-to-face meetings between buyers of fruit and vegetables from national and international large-scale retailers and production companies, launches a series of free webinars focused on fruit and vegetables marketing for production and trading companies.

There will be four online appointments dedicated to key aspects of fruit and vegetables marketing:

Webinars calendar

Webinar: Packaging in marketing strategies
20 June 2024, 15:00 - 15:45 (CET)
The focus of the webinar is packaging as a key element in fruit and vegetable marketing: product differentiation, new product development, communication at the point of sale.

Webinar: Branding in fruit and vegetables marketing
04 July 2024, 15:00 - 15:45 (CET)
Is it really possible to do branding in fruit and vegetables sector? The webinar explains where the focus of Consumers really is and shows the best case stories.

Webinar: Meeting a buyer: questions checklist
18 July 2024, 15:00 - 15:45 (CET)
When we think about meeting a Customer, we mainly focus on the product and the price in order to close the sale. But there are much more important questions to ask that help you to understand how to position your company and develop the long-lasting relationship. The objective is to deliver a simple checklist of questions for a meeting with a Client.

Webinar: Powerful website – what counts in B2B business?
25 July 2024, 15:00 - 15:45 (CET)
The objective of the webinar is to show the key elements of the corporate website that make it effective in communicating with new fruit and vegetables buyers from the large-scale retail trade.

How to partcipate:
To participate in the free webinar you need to send an email from the website: Before the webinar, you will receive a connection link by email so that you can connect with your PC, tablet or mobile phone without having to install specific programme.

For more information:
Fresh Food Leader
Tel:(+39) 349 7404 885
[email protected]

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