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Bringing red carpet realness to Monterey

Ever wondered what it feels like to be in the spotlight of a Vogue cover shoot? This July, the Organic Produce Summit will witness the glitz and glamour as banana brand Equifruit prepares to unveil a new experience.

Equifruit's booth #318 promises to be a haven for those who appreciate the finer things in life, with a cheeky nod to the world of haute couture and an unwavering commitment to the well-being of banana farmers. The only thing missing will be Anna Wintour herself!

The Equifruit team strikes a pose.

"Our presence at the Organic Produce Summit is not just about making a splash—it's about making a statement," says Kim Chackal, director of sales and marketing. "We're importing Fairtrade bananas to produce aisles everywhere, and we refuse to be ignored. This year's summit experience will highlight our mission to make Fairtrade as appetizing and loved as pop culture."

By infusing high fashion into the world of produce, Equifruit aims to engage attendees in a deeper conversation about the importance of ethical consumerism. The glamorous setup will serve as a backdrop for meaningful interactions with industry leaders and fashion-forward produce slingers.

For more information:
Kim Chackal
Tel: +1 (514) 993-7736
[email protected]

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