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Year-round organic apple and pear supply is top of mind

Honeybear® Brands' dual hemisphere growing strategy is delivering fresh organic apples and pears to retail customers, ensuring that the company can deliver on increased shopper demand for organic fruits. A strong overall volume in Washington, coupled with fresh-picked crop arriving now from its Southern Hemisphere orchards, keep discriminating consumers satisfied with year-round organic product availability. This, along with the debut of Organic Pazazz, makes Honeybear a resource for a complete organic program.

Honeybear Brands will exhibit in booth #917 at the Organic Produce Summit in Monterey, California, July 10-11. There, visitors can learn about its packaging as well as its innovation and sustainability efforts.

"We know good quality organic apples and pears can wane over the summer which is why our Southern Hemisphere crops are vital to refreshing the organic supply," said Roper.

"We are delivering on growing organic demand with our offering of the key apple and pear varieties, including fresh Honeycrisp from the southern hemisphere which is critical to retailers' mix of product offerings. We know good quality organic apples and pears can wane over the summer which is why our Southern Hemisphere crops are vital to refreshing the organic supply and ensuring year-round flavor and availability," said Don Roper, vice president sales and marketing, Honeybear Brands. "Likewise, our Pazazz variety has a strong consumer following and this late season apple now provides shoppers with a big flavor organic experience. It was a successful first season and we look forward to a growing supply of organic Pazazz and other varieties of distinction."

According to Mordor Intelligence, the Organic Fruits and Vegetables Market is expected to reach 46.19 billion this year and grow at a rate of 10.21 percent to reach 75.11 billion by 2029. The percentage of organic apples is also growing. According to the Organic Produce Network, the 2023/24 crop produced more than 19.5 million cartons of organic apples, representing about 14 percent of the overall apple crop. With demand increasing steadily each year, supply assurance is of the utmost importance for retailers.

For more information:
Honeybear Brands
Tel: +1 (800) 551-6183

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