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Sweet potatoes available during the summer months

Bako Sweet is thrilled to be exhibiting at this year's Organic Produce Summit and will attend with a robust inventory, enabling retailers to promote sweet potatoes during the summer months–a period that has traditionally seen limited availability.

During the show, the brand will present a variety of new ideas for incorporating sweet potatoes into summer routines. With a focus on grilling, the brand has developed several recipes that highlight the versatility of sweet potatoes for summer barbecues and holiday celebrations. These recipes are designed to inspire shoppers to add sweet potatoes to their grilling menus, making them a staple for summer menu planning.

Noritake says during the show, the brand will present a variety of new ideas for incorporating sweet potatoes into summer routines.

"We're excited to be part of the Organic Produce Summit this year and to have the opportunity to connect with both existing and potential retail partners," said Susan Noritake, director of sales at Bako Sweet. "Our focus is on offering innovative and versatile sweet potato products that resonate with consumers' desire for healthy, delicious, and convenient meal options. We believe our summer grilling recipes and back-to-school promotions will provide retailers with the tools they need to drive sales and meet shopper demand."

In addition to summer recipes, Bako Sweet is gearing up for the back-to-school season. The brand will discuss plans for back-to-school in-store promotion strategies at its booth, aiming to support retailers in maintaining growth in sweet potato sales during August and September leading into the holiday season. These initiatives are part of the company's commitment to providing value-added products that meet the evolving needs of consumers.

Left: Sweet Potato Burgers; right: Sweet Potato Kebabs

At booth #203, Bako Sweet will display its Organic 3 lb. mesh bags, tray packs, and baby bags, as well as its grilling shipper display bins, which are available to any retailer upon request.

For more information:
Bako Sweet
Tel: +1 (661) 858-1075
[email protected]

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