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Looking at San Pedro Bay ports container dwell times in May 2024

In May 2024, container dwell times at the San Pedro Bay Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach demonstrated stability for truck movements and an uptick for rail movements, as per the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association's recent data. Truck-bound containers at these ports averaged a dwell time of 2.47 days, showing little variation from April's 2.50 days. This consistency underscores an efficient cargo movement phase, contrasting with the past average of 3.46 days from 2016 onwards.

Conversely, containers destined for rail transport experienced an increase in dwell times, averaging 6.44 days, up from April's 4.55 days. Despite this increase, the figure for May is still below the early 2021 high of 7.61 days, indicating a relative improvement in rail container processing times at these ports.


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