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'A Ricchigia (Italy)

New line of protein spreads focused on taste and convenience

"The artisanal processed products sector, and in particular those based on nuts, is being driven by a trend towards healthier products. In particular, in the first quarter of 2024, the dried fruit segment recorded a 3 percent increase in volume compared to the same period last year. We have also seen this in our activities to promote the brand, in particular through our participation in trade shows. In May, we exhibited at Cibus in Parma, Italy, where we had a record number of visitors, especially from overseas," said Laura Lupo, owner of the Sicilian pistachio processing company 'A Ricchigia, upon her return from the event.

"The positive trend in the nut-based spreads market has led us to create a line with a distinctive and innovative positioning on the market, focused on taste and convenience. Among the new products to be launched in September 2024," explains Laura Lupo, "is a line of protein/vegan spreads in Sicilian pistachio and almond flavors, in a 190-gram format. These are two convenient references enriched with rice and hemp proteins. We will also be expanding the range with other gluten-free products, especially cookies and a variety of holiday products."

Laura's company was founded on the slopes of Mount Etna, in Bronte, one of the largest municipalities in the Sicilian province of Catania, home of the renowned Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Green Pistachio of Bronte.

"We have been producing Pistacchio di Bronte DOP for three generations, and this is precisely the added value of our processed products: to unite the two souls of the grower and the processor of this precious ingredient. Among the most important products in our range are the pistachio spread and the pistachio pesto, also available in an organic version, which we have named BioBronte, the premium brand of 'A Ricchigia."

"In a market that is constantly changing," explains Laura Lupo, "even in the food sector, we have to take into account several aspects, especially those related to trends and the evolution of consumer tastes. These tastes are also influenced by the presence of different culinary cultures as a result of globalization. In addition, one of the positive aspects of this pandemic is that it has made consumers think more about the relationship between food and wellness, so we must also strive to transfer the narrative behind the cultivation and treatment of fruits. In this specific case, we are not only selling a jar of different nut-based spreads-which, of course, encapsulate the utmost care in their processing-but also an experience that reintroduces the tradition of our territory."

Available in almond, hazelnut and pistachio flavors, high raw material content or pure, in 150g glass jars, nut-based spreads can be used to fill cakes and holiday desserts (Christmas panettone and Easter colomba). They're also perfect for breakfast and snacks, or to garnish delicious tarts or spread on bread.

Today the brand 'A Ricchigia is exported all over the world, aiming to enter new markets and create new products to respond to different customer needs, surprising them with new tastes. The company boasts many certifications including ISO 22000, 22001, Bio, DOP, FDA and many others.

Supported by the use of technology, the company markets pistachios not only as nuts, grains, flour and spreads, but also offers a wide range of culinary preparations for the specialty and delicatessen segments. As a highly prized fruit, pistachios are also appreciated abroad, particularly in Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Canada, Denmark, France, Austria, Belgium and Japan.

For more information:
'A Ricchigia
Via Card. De Luca, 115
95034 Bronte (CT)
Tel.: 095 7723326
Email: [email protected]

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