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Status of Andalusia's greenhouse crops in mid-June

The Junta de AndalucĂ­a published a report on the state of greenhouse crops in Andalusia in the week of June 10-16, highlighting the activities in the provinces of Almeria, Granada, and Huelva.

In Almeria, most greenhouses are ending their harvests and many are conducting cleaning and solarization tasks. Late watermelon, melon, and cucumber harvests are near their end, while early and middle plantings have already been removed to prepare the ground for the next crop cycle. The tomato, eggplant, and zucchini crops planted for spring are still in production. Greenhouse crops are in different stages of development and producers are implementing measures to control the temperature and maintain the quality of the fruit.

The phytosanitary status requires special attention to avoid pest contamination, especially in neighboring greenhouses. Nurseries are in full activity, preparing seedlings and carrying out treatments, including releasing auxiliary insects. Producers have started planting the first peppers and tomatoes for grafting on rootstocks resistant to soil diseases.

In Granada, producers in the region of La Costa continue harvesting cherry tomatoes, cherry pears, and salad tomatoes. Seedless black and seedless white watermelon crops have yielded 50-60 tons per hectare.

In Huelva, the campaign has ended with yields of up to 20 t/ha in varieties such as Noelia and Adelita.


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