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Alan Aguirre Camou with Divine Flavor

"We are eager to return to Monterey and celebrate the passion for organic produce"

As the countdown to the Organic Produce Summit (OPS) is on, there's a palpable buzz among produce companies like Divine Flavor, eagerly preparing for one of the largest organic produce events on the West Coast. The company is eager to bring forth its summer organic line-up and return as one of the founding sponsors of the show.

"Since established in 2016, the Organic Produce Summit has flourished exponentially, drawing in a vibrant gathering of growers, buyers, and suppliers from all corners of the industry year after year," says chief marketing officer, Alan Aguirre Camou. "We stand out proudly–not only as a fervent advocate of OPS but also as a founding sponsor of this event. As always, we expect a great time with our retail partners and our industry colleagues as we congregate and celebrate the passion of organic produce."

Alan Aguirre Camou with a box of organic bell peppers.

Rooted in organic production since the early 90s, parent company Grupo Alta started one of the largest operations of organic table grapes out of Mexico. Through them, they shared their knowledge through Divine Flavor with other growers, building programs throughout the years on each of their organic commodities such as bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, and squash/zucchini.

With the motto of growing 'Better Food for a Better World', it has been the company's mission to produce its fruits and vegetables as organic and sustainable as possible—giving back more to the land than what is taken away.

The Viva Organica team.

"Growing organically is not just our commitment to the future, but a way of producing our commodities the way nature intended it to be—fresh, healthy, and always full of flavor," says Aguirre.

This year, the team will showcase its organic grape tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers from Baja, as well as organic table grapes from Sonora, Mexico. The team will also discuss its recent table grape expansion into California.

Visit Divine Flavor at booth #604 on July 11 in Monterey to learn more.

For more information:
Michael DuPuis
Divine Flavor
Tel: +1 (520) 281-8328
[email protected]

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