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South African Star Ruby Grapefruit offered early

LGS Specialty Sales, an importer of citrus, avocados, grapes, and persimmons, is now offering retailers South African Star Ruby Grapefruit ahead of schedule.

The company's volumes of early summer Star Ruby grapefruit are now available for shipment out of New Jersey.

Star Ruby grapefruit are now available for shipment out of New Jersey.

"Our customers continue to partner with us because we work to secure fresh produce, like grapefruit, when the market is in need," said Luke Sears, president and founder of LGS Specialty Sales. "If a retailer is having a hard time sourcing import grapefruit right now, look no further."

The company sources grapefruit from its farms in the fruitful Mediterranean-like climate of South Africa, where the weather is optimal for high-quality citrus. It recommends customers start their grapefruit import program alongside LGS with a healthy volume of the product available now through October.

For more information:
James Rasmussen
LGS Specialty Sales
Tel: +1 (718) 542-2200
[email protected]

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