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Quebec strawberries face challenges due to heat wave

Quebec's strawberry sector is grappling with the repercussions of an unprecedented heat wave, which has adversely affected the quality of the crop. A series of days with temperatures soaring above 30 degrees Celsius has resulted in damaged strawberries, impacting both yield and taste. Farmers like Mathieu Beauregard, operating near Montreal, observed a noticeable decline in fruit quality, with berries becoming scarcer, less sweet, and in some cases, spoiled. Beauregard explains that strawberries thrive in cooler conditions, ideally between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius, and the excessive heat has caused the protective foliage to wilt, exposing the berries to direct sunlight and subsequent burning.

The recent weather conditions have also deterred pickers, further complicating the harvest. Beauregard highlights the urgency of picking strawberries in their prime, a task made challenging by the reduced number of volunteers available during the heat wave. The competition with lower-priced California strawberries has added another layer of difficulty for Quebec's producers.

Despite these challenges, local farmers emphasize the superior taste of Quebec-grown strawberries and the importance of community support in overcoming the adverse effects of the heat wave. As the largest strawberry producer in Canada, Quebec's agricultural community is resilient, with farmers like Beauregard diversifying their crops and calling for public participation in the harvest, especially during peak seasons.


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