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9,500 m² (eventually 77,000 m²)

Primafrio inaugurates its first logistics center in France

Spanish group Primafrio is expanding in Europe with the opening of a new logistics center in France. In Belfort (Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region), the specialist in temperature-controlled fruit and vegetables has inaugurated its first logistics platform in France, with a total surface area of 77,000 m².

First phase: 9,500 m² central hall for refrigerated cross-docking services and 84 loading bays. The second phase of the project involves the construction of another warehouse with the same features as the current one, which will double its logistics capacity.

"With this new facility, Primafrio strengthens its ability to meet the growing demand for logistics solutions, focusing primarily on France, Germany, Switzerland and the Eastern European market. The Belfort platform joins the seven facilities on the Iberian peninsula and the 45 logistics centers that support the group across the continent," according to Primafrio.

Damien Meslot, president of Grand Belfort, underlined "the value of the Primafrio group's presence in the Belfort region as part of its diversification strategy. The new logistics platform reinforces the attractiveness of Belfort and the competitiveness of the Aéroparc joint development zone (ZAC)."

Today, the Spanish company has a cold goods distribution volume of over 5,000,000 tons per year. Products from Spain reach 27 European countries thanks to its 2,800 trucks. In total, its infrastructure network exceeds 60,000 m² dedicated to temperature-controlled logistics.

For more information:
Autov. del Mediterráneo, kilómetro 596
30840 Alhama
Murcia (Siège)
Phone: +34 968 309 187
Fax: +34 968 694 768

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