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Plentiful kale supply from California

Crops of kale out of California are becoming plentiful. Ratto Bros, Inc. is seeing ample supply of the more popular green kale but also Lacinato kale which is also known as Tuscan/Italian/black kale out of Modesto, California. Its supply looks similar to last year at this time.

Other regions producing kale are throughout California along with more local deals from around the country which go until cooler temperatures affect production.

As for kale demand? "Ten years ago, kale was an ornament on a plate and today it's mainstream because it has a variety of uses with kale salads, kale sautés, soups, smoothies, and more," says Frank Ratto, noting that the commodity does come with a health halo. "Even kids today love kale because they were introduced to it right from a young age. When you can do that, that's a big deal."

L-R: green kale; Lacinato kale

More ways to buy kale
Helping demand for Ratto Bros is also the fact that the company offers the leafy green in bunches but also as value-added packages by variety, along with an organic kale pack.

Pricing is slightly stronger than last year, largely due to increased agricultural production inputs that are acutely felt in California. However, there is a pricing gap seen in the market due to the plentiful supply. "There is extremely high and low pricing–you'll see it for $10 somewhere and you'll also see it for $16 somewhere else," says Ratto. "Those with the higher prices are the ones growing it with good cultivation practices, standard operating procedures and are properly cooling and storing the product to maintain its integrity and have food safety practices in place."

For more information:
Frank Ratto
Ratto Bros. Inc
Tel.: +1-209-545-7575
[email protected]