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Grupo Agroponiente expects to increase its volume by 15% in the next season

Grupo Agroponiente has reaffirmed its position of strength and optimism for the future. It had an exceptional 22/23 financial year and has continued to experience an accelerated growth trend in the 23/24 cycle, exceeding expectations with double-digit volume growth. This growth has been achieved despite a more challenging market context marked by a general price decrease in the sector. It's a challenge that the company has managed effectively thanks to its firm commitment to farmers, the solidity and seriousness of transactions, and its continuous improvement in management and logistics processes.

All of Grupo Agroponiente's products have experienced notable growth, especially its peppers and cucumbers. The performance of its tomato, zucchini, and eggplant crops was outstanding, in contrast to the sector, which faced greater difficulties in these crops. Agroponiente's progress is based on effective management, improved costs, efficient productivity, and an expansion process that will continue in the next campaign.

Grupo Agroponiente expects a 15% increase in volume in the 24/25 financial year, consolidating a turning point in its trajectory. Imanol Almudí, CEO of the company, expressed his satisfaction with the results obtained in the 23/24 season. "The previous campaign had been historic for our company, within an overall favorable context for the sector. However, everyone knows the dynamics of this sector vary significantly from year to year. This season that is ending, prices have not been so favorable, and the market has not moved with the same strength. Despite being a much more complex context, we were able to complete all kinds of efficiency processes, from reducing the overall costs of the company, improving productivity, and increasing sales, always committed to farmers, to continue achieving unprecedented growth with higher volumes than in the previous year and rounding off a good biannual period. Now the challenge is to continue growing and consolidating the project, advancing in our goal of making Grupo Agroponiente the sector's reference company in Southern Europe."


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