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California stone fruit at Summer X Games this weekend

Mountain View Fruit Sales is thrilled to announce that its premium peaches, plums, and nectarines will be available at the Summer X Games in Ventura, California this weekend. These fruits will be provided to VIP attendees, athletes, and media, offering a refreshing and healthy snack option throughout the event.

"We are incredibly excited to have our fresh fruit featured at the Summer X Games," said Krista Beckstead, Mountain View Fruit Sales director of marketing. "Our goal is to provide a healthy snack option for everyone attending the event. We see this as a huge opportunity to share the benefits of our fresh, quality fruit with the athletes and attendees."

The fruits will be provided to VIP attendees, athletes, and media, offering a refreshing and healthy snack option throughout the event.

This initiative not only highlights the importance of nutritious eating habits but also provides excellent exposure for the brand, especially among the younger generation.

"The Summer X Games attract a vibrant, youthful audience that aligns perfectly with our mission to encourage healthy lifestyles," Beckstead added. "We believe that offering our peaches, plums, and nectarines will resonate with this crowd and demonstrate how easy and enjoyable it can be to choose healthier snack options."

For more information:
Krista Beckstead
Mountain View Fruit Sales
Tel: +1 (206) 612-9247
[email protected]

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