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National Bureau of Statistics examines Nigeria's agricultural landscape

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) disclosed that Nigeria houses approximately 40.2 million agricultural households. This information emerged during the launch of the 2022 National Agricultural Sample Census (NASC) in Abuja, a collaborative effort involving the NBS, World Bank, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.

The NASC findings indicate a predominant engagement in crop cultivation by 91% of these households, with 35% focusing exclusively on this practice. Regional disparities were observed, with Lagos State having the lowest engagement in crop cultivation (48%) and Ebonyi the highest (99.5%).

Bishop Ohioma, an Assistant Director at the NBS, highlighted the census's dual components: the listing and the sample survey, with the former currently unveiled. He emphasized the census's role in fostering agricultural interventions, food security, and sustainable practices. The NASC covered 767 Local Government Areas, excluding seven due to insecurity, utilizing digitized maps and canvassing both urban and rural Enumeration Areas. Ohioma advocated for increased resources for the National Agricultural Sample Survey and continued support from technical and financial partners to bolster Nigeria's agricultural statistics capabilities.


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