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Produce auctions on the rise in Ohio

Twice-weekly, the Chesterhill Produce Auction becomes a bustling marketplace at 4 PM, connecting local farmers with buyers from various sectors. In Chesterhill, a rural village in Ohio, this auction facilitates the sale of fresh produce such as yellow squash, green beans, and an array of fruits directly from the farmers' buggies and trucks to interested parties including restaurants and food pantries.

Sam Watson, an Americorps member working with Rural Action, highlights the auction's role in providing access to locally grown produce in a community where grocery store options are limited. With a significant portion of Morgan County's population facing food insecurity, the auction, initiated in 2005, serves as a critical food source.

These auctions represent a vital marketing and distribution channel for local farmers, especially those unable to utilize conventional retail avenues due to logistical or religious reasons.


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