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Smaller yield promises Canadian Cherries with exceptional flavour this summer

The B.C. Cherry Association (BCCA) has announced the upcoming 2nd annual Canadian Cherry Month (July 15 to August 15, 2024), celebrating the exceptional quality of this year's B.C. cherry crop and the resilience of our cherry farmers. While the January deep freeze resulted in a smaller harvest this year, the cherries that flourished promise a truly extraordinary taste experience.

"Think of it like a rare vintage wine or artisanal cheese – more limited in quantity, but exceptional in quality. This year's harvest might be smaller, but the flavour and juiciness of these hand-picked cherries will be truly remarkable," says Sukhpaul Bal, President of the BCCA.

BC cherries are legendary for their sweet, plump, and juicy deliciousness. "This year, we invite Canadian retailers and consumers to discover the essence of B.C. cherries in every bite," adds Bal. "Each cherry is a testament to the resilience of our Canadian growers and our unique growing region."

In celebration of Canadian Cherry Month, the BCCA is launching a consumer campaign to showcase the exceptional quality of this year's B.C. cherry crop. The campaign will feature engaging social media content on the Canadian Cherry Month Facebook page along with exciting contests, and special promotions. Through a digital ad campaign, consumers will also be encouraged to share where they bought B.C. cherries, making it easy for their fellow Canadians to find them. Retailers are encouraged to participate by prominently displaying fresh B.C. cherries in-store, inviting customers to experience their extraordinary flavour and support Canadian cherry farmers.

For more information:
Beth Cavers
B.C. Cherry Association
Email: [email protected]

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