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HortNZ’s Michelle Sands is concerned about consequences for NZ’s economy

Horticulture sector calls for sensible approach to emissions accounting

Horticulture New Zealand (HortNZ) is urging the Climate Change Commission to hold off counting international shipping and aviation emissions in the sector's domestic targets until green alternatives are available.

HortNZ general manager of strategy and policy Michelle Sands said the industry supports and recognises the need for emissions reductions in global shipping and aviation. However, HortNZ is concerned that counting these emissions in New Zealand's 2050 net-zero target would have significant unintended consequences for New Zealand's export driven economy.

"Counting these emissions in our domestic targets is not sensible until green shipping and aviation alternatives and accompanying infrastructure are available domestically. Policy to reduce these emissions would run counter to the coalition government's stated goal to double export value in ten years and the Aotearoa Horticulture Action Plan's aim to double horticulture farmgate value to $12 billion by 2035."

Producers already face pressure from export markets to be sustainable through private standards and trade agreements, and Sands says Government regulation in this area risks duplication.

"The cost of compliance or emissions accounting, let alone emissions pricing, from counting international freight emissions will be passed onto exporting businesses, including growers.

"With international targets already in place, there is a serious risk of double counting emissions. This is a concern for the integrity of emissions accounting and to ensure exporters are not burdened with duplicated compliance or emissions pricing."

HortNZ, which represents the interests of New Zealand's more than 4,200 commercial fruit and vegetable growers, has made a submission to the Commission, supported by grower groups and the NZ Horticulture Export Authority.

For more information:
Horticulture New Zealand
Tel.: +64 04 472 3795
Email: [email protected]

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