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Surge in demand for fresh fruits and veg quadruples in Greece

The demand for fresh fruits and vegetables in Greece has surged fourfold, according to a statement from the Athens Central Vegetable Market Traders Association. This increase is particularly noticeable on the island and tourist regions, where daily deliveries are maintained rapidly and without shortages.

"In many cases, the need for fresh fruits and vegetables has grown fourfold," the statement emphasises the significant rise in consumption. Enterprises affiliated with the Athens Central Vegetable Market Traders Association are actively meeting this demand through consistent and efficient deliveries.

The association underscores the critical role of their business in collaborating with producers to ensure the highest quality of products. These efforts aim to provide fresh produce at competitive prices, enabling hotels, restaurants, grocery stores, and street markets to cater to the increasing needs of foreign tourists and Greek residents.

As Greece experiences another robust year in its tourism and hospitality sectors, the workers and businesses are making significant contributions to the country's GDP and state revenue. Nikos Kalogris, President of the Athens Central Vegetable Market Traders Association, stated, "The role and position of the market are our strategic advantages, and we will continue in the same spirit."


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