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Malaysian durian exports and their impact on local prices

Concerns regarding the potential price increase of kampung durians in Malaysia due to heightened export activities have been addressed by industry leaders. The Durian Manufacturer Association's president, Eric Chan, emphasized Malaysia's self-sufficiency in durian production, asserting that the country's output exceeds local consumption needs. He highlighted the importance of balancing export demands with domestic supply to maintain equitable pricing for consumers. Chan pointed out that while expanding durian production and exploring new export avenues could attract more investment in durian cultivation, potentially increasing the supply, it is vital to manage this growth to avoid adversely affecting local market prices.

Furthermore, the appeal of Malaysian durians to Chinese tourists, who visit Malaysia specifically for durian tourism, underscores the need to sustainably manage export growth. Sam Tan, president of the Malaysia Durian Exporters Association, projected that any potential price increases would eventually stabilize or decline due to an anticipated oversupply resulting from expanded durian cultivation. He suggested that this adjustment would foster competitive pricing, benefiting both farmers and solidifying Malaysia's position in the international durian market. Last year, Malaysia successfully exported approximately 1,000 tonnes of frozen kampung durian to China, in collaboration with the Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority, indicating robust export opportunities that could initially elevate prices but ultimately lead to market stabilization.


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