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End of an era for Australian citrus juice producer

George Polymiadis, a microbiologist from South Australia's Riverland, leveraged his scientific expertise and his family's citrus farm to establish Poly's Fruit Juices. Utilizing advanced processing equipment, Polymiadis created Orchard Crush, a fresh juice brand that extended the shelf life of orange juice without pasteurization, maintaining a safe bacterial level while keeping the juice fresh for up to a month. This innovation positioned Orchard Crush distinctively in the market, contributing to its local popularity.

After three decades, Polymiadis announced the cessation of operations, prompted by a combination of personal reasons and a shift in the supply chain. The decision has sparked a community rush to purchase the remaining stock, highlighting the brand's impact. Polymiadis attributes the success to a combination of quality, innovation, and the strategic decision to add value to their citrus products amidst fluctuating fruit prices. The closure marks a significant moment for the Riverland region, known for its robust citrus industry.


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