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Sandy Booth - New Forest Fruit

“In May, we were 10 days behind. By June 10th we were right back on track"

The UK strawberry season got off to a slow start, but the recent good weather has brought it back on track.

"In May we were 10 days behind, and by June 10th we were right back on track," said Sandy Booth from New Forest Fruit. "We try to prepare for this, as it happens every year and causes a lot of fruit to ripen at the same time. We had predicted that we would have 275 tonnes in a week, but actually had 325 tonnes. This came from the fruit which had been delayed."

"We just have to hold on and get through it. We asked Sainsbury's, was there an idea to do a promotion? There was, and so they asked if we could support the promotion, it was perfect timing."

The cool nights have meant that strawberries this year have much higher Brix levels. The strawberry season at New Forest Fruits will continue right through to December. "We continue to pick from the greenhouses until July, then replant to see us through to December. We see good demand for British strawberries right through the year."

For more information:
Jackie Barr
New Forest Fruit Company
Tel.: +44 (0)1590 612297
Email: [email protected]