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Unusual increase in the price of Moroccan green beans

Green beans are the exception among Moroccan early vegetables this season. While prices for almost all vegetables have fallen, beans have been a surprise with an increase of around at least 10% according to Salah Eddine Belkadi, CEO of Unique Packing.

"We produce and export flat green beans all year round. Last year, Morocco exported 147,000 tonnes of green beans, and we're up to 122,000 tonnes this year, four months before the end of the campaign, with production coming from the Skhirat region (north Atlantic coast). It is therefore possible that export volumes will exceed those of last season. But in any case, I can say that I see great demand and a dynamic market this year."

The grower continues, "The surface area is constantly increasing, and currently stands at around 4,000 hectares. I see many investors joining the bean sector, especially in the Agadir region. With prices improving, acreage will certainly increase."

According to Belkadi, the main markets for Moroccan green beans are Spain, followed by France later in the season. The grower adds that prices averaged 2.20 EUR this season, compared to 2 EUR last season, with a peak in January.

For more information:
Salah Eddine Belkadi
Unique Packing
Tel: +212 661-461060
Email: [email protected]