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Fresh Direct launches plastic-free avocado packaging in the UK

Fresh Direct, a prominent foodservice fresh produce provider in the UK, has introduced a new, plastic-free packaging solution for its avocado twin-pack, in collaboration with Westfalia Fruit, its principal avocado supply partner. This initiative marks the first application of such packaging in the foodservice realm, replacing the conventional plastic packaging with a paper-based alternative. This new packaging material is sourced from FSC approved, actively managed forests, ensuring sustainability through the regeneration and replanting of trees, and is fully recyclable.

The avocados are encased in co-branded twin packs, which offer an additional protective layer to maintain the product's quality upon delivery to customers. Paul Nieduszynski, CEO of Sysco GB, highlighted this development as part of the company's broader effort to minimize its environmental footprint, alongside other initiatives such as the elimination of 50 tonnes of plastic from its berry packaging. He emphasized the importance of continuous, incremental changes with suppliers towards achieving greater sustainability within the organization.


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