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Vegetable and fruit prices in Kazakhstan: annual dynamics

In Kazakhstan in May this year, vegetable and fruit prices decreased by 0.8% over the month. This seasonal decline was expected, but prices were 4.2% higher than in May of the previous year. Fruit prices did not show significant decreases, while fresh vegetables became 5.6% cheaper compared to May 2023. Processed vegetables, on the other hand, saw a yearly price increase of 6.6%.

Among fresh fruits, apples experienced the highest annual price increase at 16.8%. Bananas rose by 7.7%, oranges by 5.1%, while lemons decreased in price by 3.3%. Dried fruits increased by 2.5%, nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts) decreased by 1.8%, and dried apricots fell slightly by 0.3%.

For fresh vegetables, carrots saw the most significant annual price increase at 18.4%, followed by beets at 15.2%, cucumbers at 9.5%, tomatoes at 2.7%, and potatoes at 2%. However, white cabbage decreased by 18.1%, and onions saw a dramatic price drop of 42.9%.

From January to April of this year, there was a notable increase in the import of certain vegetables and fruits. The import of carrots rose by 98.6%, white cabbage by 83.3%, apples by 77.8%, garlic by 51.4%, aubergines by 38.6%, cucumbers by 37.4%, melons by 37.2%, grapes by 33.3%, and tomatoes by 16.2%.

On the other hand, the import of potatoes decreased by 68.4%, onions by 64%, table beets by 40.2%, and peppers by 21.4%.

Regarding exports, there was a significant increase in grape exports (up 12.7 times), white cabbage (up 6.3 times), aubergines (up 6.2 times), melons (up 5.1 times), onions (up 2.9 times), potatoes (up 2.7 times), table beets (up 47.5%), tomatoes (up 32.7%), and carrots (up 1%).

Overall, imports significantly exceed exports for products such as garlic, peppers, melons, aubergines, apples, grapes, table beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, and carrots. In contrast, onion and potato exports surpassed imports by 19.8 and 85.1 times, respectively.


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