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New logo and rebranding for Ocean Mist Farms

Ocean Mist Farms, a grower/shipper of fresh artichokes in North America – who is celebrating its 100-year anniversary in 2024 – is launching its new company logo as part of a comprehensive rebranding initiative. This fresh visual identity marks a significant milestone in the company's continued evolution and underscores its commitment to innovation, growth, and leading the company and brand into the next century.

The new logo is a refreshed version of the former company logo, which Ocean Mist Farms began using in 1995 after doing business as California Artichoke & Vegetable Growers Corporation since the company's inception in 1924.

This version features the legacy blue color from the former longtime logo and replaces the red with a bright green color signifying fresh, growth, natural, and farming. This new brand representation better reflects the farm/fresh aspect of Ocean Mist Farms as a farming company with a full line of fresh vegetable products. It reflects the company's future-forward vision while maintaining a connection to its rich heritage past.

Drew says this rebranding effort is more than just a visual change.

"We are thrilled to introduce our new logo, representing a new era for Ocean Mist Farms," said Chris Drew, president and CEO. "This refreshed logo is more than just a visual change; it signifies our dedication to representing and evolving the brand to represent our Gold Standard line of vegetable products, our industry leadership, and our exceptional customer service. We feel this rebranding effort also conveys that we are a forward-thinking company who is continually pioneering solutions in the fresh produce industry."

The rebranding initiative will kick off a soft launch to be rolled out on all Ocean Mist Farms packaging and packaged products over the next three years. It will also be rolled out across all company platforms and materials, including the company website, social media channels, marketing collateral, and company buildings and equipment beginning in July 2024. Customers, partners, and stakeholders will begin to see the new logo in communications and engagements effective immediately.

For more information:
Lori Bigras
Ocean Mist Farms
[email protected]

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