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Australian canned fruit industry faces challenges

Victoria's Goulburn Valley, a key area for canned fruit production in Australia, along with international sources, fills supermarket shelves with canned fruits. However, the availability of Australian-made canned peaches and pears is under threat as SPC, a major fruit supplier, announced reductions in its Australian supply. Max Wright, a 35-year supplier to SPC, expressed concern over the potential decline of a practice that dates back to the early 1900s. The announcement by SPC to reduce fruit intake has left Wright and over 60 other regional growers uncertain about the future of their orchards.

Matt Cornish, a third-generation fruit farmer, highlighted the difficulty in competing with cheaper imports, despite Australia's strict quality standards for fruit production. Cornish, who primarily grows peaches and pears for canning on his 500-hectare farm, is awaiting further communication from SPC to determine the direction of his farming operations, describing the situation as "pretty emotional" and indicative of the broader challenges faced by Australian growers against international competition.


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