The Egyptian mango season is starting "in an atmosphere of great enthusiasm and optimism", says Abdelkader Habony, general manager of Samah for imports and exports. The exporter is announcing an increase in volumes compared with the previous season, and lower launch prices.
Abdelkader says: "The mango acreage in Egypt is steadily increasing thanks to stable and loyal demand. It's one of the country's most successful agricultural sectors and a fruit rooted in farming practices and suitable for the local climate. The areas reclaimed in the Egyptian desert three years ago have begun bearing fruit this season, in addition to the areas already in production. I estimate volumes have increased by at least 15% compared to the previous season".
Price-wise, Abdelkader announces a decrease compared to the start of last season, which he hopes will be temporary. He says: "With the volume increase, at Samah for Import and Export we are starting with lower prices than last season. The decrease is about 10%. We're sure that our customers will see that the quality is better in sizes and colours compared to what they used to receive. I hope and remain optimistic that our mangoes will be well welcomed in the market and fairly priced as the campaign progresses."
"Egyptian mangoes have a respectable reputation," continues Abdelkader. "Demand was very strong last season and the good prices at the start of this season will ensure a smooth start to the campaign".
According to the exporter, a wide range of varieties are currently available. "There are indigenous and international varieties, varieties for the local market and others for export, as well as varieties for juice producers and table consumption. The best-known names include Sukkary, Oueiss, fass, Zebdia, Toumy, Naomy, and of course Keitt and Kent".
For more information:
Abdelkader Habony
Samah for Import and Export
Tel: +201090999229