The harvest for figs has started in the early regions of Turkey and the season is looking positive, says Murat Koygun, founder and CEO of Turkish fresh produce exporter Kayra Tarımsal Ltd.: "As the sector export leader, the Turkish fig season started out well. We shave begun harvesting from the early regions and we fulfill the demands of our customers. We believe that we'll be able to deliver our products to larger masses, as the harvest takes place in other regions within a short time. The warm weather brought the harvest forward in all regions. So far, we have not encountered any negative consequences of this in terms of the quality of the figs."
According to Koygun, demand is strong and supply is stable. "The demand is very good at the moment and we believe that the demand will increase even more as the product becomes more abundant and the prices come down a little. As in every country, our biggest problem is the shrinkage in the workforce. Also, we face water problems caused by global warming."
Thanks to the stability of the product, prices are also well established, Koygun explains: "Prices do not differ from previous seasons. Figs have a well-established market and price movements are as they should be. This season, we expect that there will be no shortage of products like last season and that there will be a balanced supply process. This ensures a stable price."
Koygun is proud on the fact Turkish figs are now a known product all over the world, thanks to the hard work the industry has done. "As an industry, with the partnerships we have developed so far, we have put the Turkish fig among the sought-after products in the global markets, and we aim to ensure the sustainability of our industry by further developing these partnerships," he concludes.
For more information:
Murat Koygun
Kayra Tarim
Tel:+90 555 506 74 02