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Chile, Mexico, and Peru agree to create a World Table Grape Committee

Within the framework of the first Global Grape Convention, organized by Frutas de Chile's Table Grape Committee, the Association of Table Grape Producers of Peru, Provid, and Yentzen Group, representatives of Chile, Peru, and Mexico agreed to create a World Table Grape Committee to strengthen their collaboration. The Committee, initially integrated by of these three countries, aims to promote table grapes globally, focusing on joint initiatives to improve promotion and information sharing among producers.

Among the short-term actions, the countries committed to generating timely information, such as reports and inventories, and holding joint annual events. The group's first actions include signing a collaboration agreement and officially creating the World Grape Committee. The Committee will carry out some of its first planned promotional activities in the US market. Representatives of the grape industry will meet again in the US in October at the Global Produce & Floral Show to follow up on these agreements.

The initiative seeks to increase the demand for table grapes and improve transparency and decision-making among producers. The countries' cooperation goal is to face common challenges and take advantage of opportunities in the global market, recognizing that not only do the countries compete against other producing countries but also against other products. Joint promotion and exchange of relevant information on production and logistics are key elements for the success of this collaborative effort.

The creation of this committee represents an important step towards greater union and collaboration between the main table grape producers in the southern hemisphere to strengthen their presence in international markets and, in particular, improve their competitiveness against other products in the US market.


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