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Warsaw, Poland, 17-18 September 2024 -

Last places available for meetings with producers and buyers from Polish retail chains

On the 17th and 18th of September, 2024, "Business meetings with buyers of large-scale Retailers present in Poland", organised by Fresh Food Leader, will take place in Warsaw.

It is a very important event for both large retail chains and producing companies in view of the market trend of shortening of the supply chain and connecting both parties directly without any intermediation.

The following retailers participate: Arhelan, Auchan, Biedronka Carrefour, Chata Polska, Dino, E.Leclerc, Eurocash Group (, Delikatesy Centrum, abc, Lewiatan, Groszek, Eko, Mila), Intermarche, Metro, Nasz Sklep, Netto, Polo Market, Selgros, Stokrotka, Żabka.

In the meetings participate fruit and vegetables purchasing and procurement managers. The novelty of this year is that also Plants and Flowers buyers will assist the meetings.

Poland is a market where traditional distribution still plays an important role, accounting for 25% of the market. Therefore, during the two days there will be a chance to meet both importers and national distributors that supply the traditional market and smaller supermarket chains.

Polish market is growing strongly. From 1991 to 2023 the national GDP tripled placing Poland on the first place in Europe and second in the world, only behind China, in terms of per capita growth rate over the past 30 years.

Most of the participating retailers have been growing fast in terms of number of stores (more than 100 stores per year each), a challenge also for the fruit and vegetables purchasing managers to respond to this demand by identifying new supply partners. The procurement and purchasing managers value this opportunity very highly, as they are thus able to identify new suppliers, keep ahead of market trends and establish a more constructive dialogue with producers.

Participating growers and producing companies admit that this experience produces concrete results, appreciate the possibility of meeting with retailers that would be difficult for them to reach on their own and the commodity of meeting them all in one location.

How to participate
Participation in the event is subject to payment of a registration fee. The organizers guarantee at least five face-to-face meetings with buyers from the chains of supermarkets.

For more information:
Fresh Food Leader
Tel: (+39) 349 7404 885
Email: [email protected]

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