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Lower Saxony's open-air harvest draws to a close

"Strawberries have become a luxury good in some cases"

Despite heavy rainfall, strawberry producer Hanne Böckmann can look back on a satisfactory harvest shortly before the end of the season. "In terms of yield, we are satisfied. We were also confronted with heavy rain, hail and frost this year, which fortunately only led to minor damage and losses. In this respect, we got off lightly," says Böckmann, who cultivates around seven varieties in open field and tunnel cultivation in the heart of the Osnabrück region.

Hanne and Janne Böckmann have been at the helm of the family business since 2021.

Similar to other years, the first tunnel-grown strawberries of the Flair and Clery varieties were harvested at the end of April/beginning of May. "Because both varieties were ready for harvest at almost the same time, we were able to offer larger quantities at the start of the season. The first outdoor strawberries were harvested from 15 May, which is extremely early." Here, too, there were plenty of quantities early on, so that the self-picking fields were able to open correspondingly early.

The most important varieties in the farm's portfolio include Falco and Flair. The Limalexia, Clery, Cadenza, Ravellia, Malwina and Faith varieties are also produced. "We are well-positioned for our business with the waiting bed and time crops," says the management.

Satisfactory price level
From mid-June, there was a small supply shortage of field-grown strawberries across Germany for around two or three weeks, Böckmann continues. "However, thanks to our forward crops, we were able to produce sufficient produce throughout." Inflation is also making itself felt in strawberry marketing. "Strawberries have become a luxury good in some cases; this is particularly noticeable in direct marketing. However, we offer the full range of packaging sizes, from 250 gram high to 4kg large packs, so that everyone can still afford our strawberries." Nevertheless, the trend in direct marketing has tended to decline since the strong coronavirus year of 2020. There has been a noticeable increase in interest in self-picking, especially in the early stages.

The majority of yields (approx. 80 per cent) find their way to German food retailers via the regular marketing partner Frutania. Böckmann: "Prices have also fluctuated considerably this year. The average price was slightly above the previous year's level. In view of the renewed increase in costs, prices must rise so that production can continue to be profitable." Regional strawberries will now be available for around another week. "We will probably finish this year's season in week 35, about a week earlier than last year."

View of the new accommodation for harvest workers

Planned investments
Böckmann Erdbeeren GmbH & Co KG has been growing and selling strawberries and raspberries from its own production for almost 50 years. Since 2021, the family business has been run successfully and expanding by the second generation. This year, additional accommodation was built for the employees. A new administration building is planned as the next major project. "Growing berries outdoors is becoming increasingly challenging due to various circumstances, such as the unpredictable weather. In the medium term, protected cultivation will also expand here. Accordingly, we are also endeavouring to make investments in this area," concludes Hanne Böckmann.

Pictures: Böckmann Erdbeeren GmbH & Co.KG

For more information:
Hanne Böckmann
Böckmann Erdbeeren GmbH & Co KG
Schwagstorfer Eue 15
D- 49179 Ostercappeln-Schwagstorf
Phone: +49 (0) 5473 .95 97 830
Fax: +49 (0) 5473. 95 97 836
Email: [email protected]

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