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Ecuador’s banana industry congratulates Lidl UK for its commitment to living wage

The Banana and Plantain Cluster of Ecuador celebrates Lidl's commitment in the United Kingdom to exclusively offer "Living Wage Bananas". This comes after years of mobilisation by the Cluster to have more retailers to offer this type of commitment.

The Cluster is comprised of the Ecuadorian Banana Exporters Association "AEBE," the Banana Marketing and Exportation Association "ACORBANEC," the Regional Banana Corporation of Ecuador "AGROBAN," the Second Zone Agriculture Chamber, the Plantain Exporters Association "ASOEXPLA," and the Small Producers Associativity Commission with the participation of the associations: Fincas El Oro, Producción y Vida, Oro Verde, Asoproabacao, Tierra Fértil, San Miguel de Brasil, Asoguabo, and Asoprorey, .

"As Ecuador, the world's largest exporter of bananas, we are proud to highlight that our country already aligns with the highest standards in terms of living wage. Wages in the Ecuadorian banana sector is above the amount determined by the Global Living Wage Coalition (GLWC). To ensure this, the Ministry of Labour of Ecuador conducts verification processes regarding employers' compliance with wage obligations in accordance with existing laws and regulations, the group said in a statement.

The banana sector generates work for 250,000 people. Ecuador is the only country that meets this standard by law and the Ecuadorian constitution. This policy has been fundamental in ensuring that Ecuadorian workers in the banana sector receive fair remuneration that allows them not only to cover their basic needs, but also to improve their quality of life and that of their families.

Ecuador premium living wage bananas
"Lidl's commitment to offering exclusively 'Living Wage Bananas' reinforces our belief that the future of banana trade must be centred on equity and respect for labour rights. In this context, Ecuador is a key partner for those seeking high-quality products that also reflect a serious commitment to workers' welfare."

"Our vision is to consolidate the position of 'Ecuador Premium Living Wage Bananas' in the European market, highlighting not only the excellence of our products but also the social and economic effort involved in maintaining fair wages and decent working conditions throughout the sector. In this regard, it is essential that our fruit be valued with a fair price in the markets, allowing us to continue supporting this commitment. We invite all industry players to join this global movement for fairer trade. By working together, we can ensure that the global supply of bananas is not only profitable but also ethical and sustainable," the Cluster states.

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