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Central America’s melon season and its logistics from farm to market

Central America's melon market has emerged as a cornerstone of the country's agricultural sector, driving economic growth and providing essential employment opportunities. This industry's success is driven by favourable growing conditions, innovative practices, and efficient logistics. By examining the critical aspects of the region's melon market, we can clearly see its potential for future advancements and its immense value to the local economy.

The significance of Central America's melons in the US market
Guatemala is one of the leading exporters of melons, with the United States being the primary destination. In 2023, Guatemala set a record by becoming the top place of origin of melons imported into the U.S., with sales nearing $300 million USD. Costa Rica and Panama are also key players in the Central American melon export market. Panama's melon market grew by 12% between 2023 and 2024, exporting 900 containers this year, primarily to Europe (UK, the Netherlands, and Italy).

Costa Rican melons are also mainly exported to Europe. The country's commitment to quality has generated significant interest in the European market, setting high expectations for the upcoming season. Continuous innovation and strict quality standards keep Costa Rican melons competitive in the global market.

Last season marked the first-time that melons were shipped from Costa Rica to the U.S., as Guatemala is usually the preferred supplier due to proximity. However, the new market responded positively to Costa Rican fruit, suggesting potential for expanding this trade route in 2025. Costa Rica's melon season runs from January to April, slightly later than Guatemala's. This schedule aligns with the region's climate, with planting beginning in November during the dry season and harvesting concluding in April before the onset of the rainy season.

Landside at origin and destination
We pick up your products from the farm and take them safely to ports like Santo Tomas, Puerto Quetzal in Guatemala and Puerto Caldera and Puerto Moin in Costa Rica. Thanks to our global network and connectivity, we can coordinate the product delivery to their final stop, making sure things move fast and your products stay fresh.

Either at origin or upon arrival at destination ports, we handle customs clearance seamlessly, ensuring a smooth transition from ship to shore. The melons are then transported to distribution centres, and eventually to local stores. This streamlined process reduces administrative burdens for exporters and ensures that consumers receive fresh, high-quality melons.

Cold Chain Management
It is critical to maintain the integrity of your temperature-sensitive products throughout their voyage. Our Cold Chain Management solutions are designed to ensure that your fresh produce is kept within the precise temperature range required for optimal quality– from the moment the goods leave the production line, till the time they reach the consumer.

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