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Peru authorizes blueberry plant imports from Chile

The National Agrarian Health Service of Peru (Senasa), via Directorial Resolution No. D000030-2024-MIDAGRI-SENASA-DSV, has authorized the importation of 777,600 blueberry plants (Vaccinium corymbosum) from Chile. The measure was taken in response to the request made by Inversiones San Juan de la Luz S.A.C., the entity in charge of transporting and managing these plants during their import process.

The authorization stipulates that the blueberry plants will enter Peruvian territory through the Santa Rosa Border Complex, in the department of Tacna, in September 2024. This entry point has been chosen due to its proximity to the production areas, thus decreasing transport times and the stress to which the plants are subjected.

The requirements established by SENASA include that the plants must be packed according to Chile's Agricultural and Livestock Service's certification, without any alterations that could indicate tampering. The plants must also be transported in refrigerated, clean, and sealed vehicles to maintain their integrity during the transfer.

Once in Peru, the vehicles transporting the plants will be officially inspected and sealed before moving to the designated production area in the Humay district, Pisco Province, Ica. This procedure includes a post-entry quarantine period under the supervision of Senasa inspectors to ensure that the plants are free of pests or diseases before their integration into the local ecosystem.


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